FE515 EViews Topics – Eviews Quick StartEviews BasicsEconometrics dataObjectsEviews WorkflowData preparationWorkfile CreationData importObject Generation (Genr)Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)with GraphsDescriptive StatisticsGraph AnalysisLine-SymbolLinear Regression AnalysisCommandProgram (Batch Commands)Command Syntax (program syntax)Commonly used commands and functionsA univariate linear regression model (SLR)OLST-statisticF-valueHow to read Eviews SLM report
Eviews == Econometrics Eviews, written in C++.
Basic data types in econometrics are:
Cross-section data
Time-series data
Panel data
Eviews works in an “object” pattern, objects in Eviews are:
All objects stored in Workfile (wf1).
Actions can be done on object as :
Clean data.
Commonly used Eviews Objects
star | icon | name_eng | role |
4∗ | Alpha | expressing variables that contain alphanumeric characters. | |
4∗ | Coef | representing the parameters of an equation or system. | |
5∗ | Equation | representing estimation, testing, or prediction of an equation. | |
5∗ | Graph | representing graphical output results. | |
5∗ | Group | representing a collection of sequential objects (including Series/Alpha, etc.). | |
4∗ | Matrix | representing a matrix (a two-dimensional array). | |
4∗ | Scalar | epresenting a scalar (i.e., a single value). | |
5∗ | Series | representing a time series variable, with its elements required to be numeric. | |
5∗ | Table | representing tabular output results. | |
4∗ | Vector | column vector representing numeric values. |
id | purpose | icon | name | characters |
1 | data comparison | (Circular Area Chart) | 时期间比较->时期数较多->周期性时期 | |
2 | data comparison | 折线图(Line Chart) | 时期间比较->时期数较多->非周期性时期 | |
3 | data comparison | 柱状图(Column Chart) | 时期间比较->时期数较少->分组较少 | |
4 | data comparison | 簇状-折线图(Line Chart) | 时期间比较->时期数较少->分组较多 | |
5 | data comparison | 不等宽柱状图(Variable Width Column Chart) | 条目间比较->每个条目有两个变量-> | |
6 | data comparison | 表格型嵌图(Table with Embedded Charts) | 条目间比较->每个条目有一个变量->分组较多 | |
7 | data comparison | 簇状-条形图(Bar Chart) | 条目间比较->每个条目有一个变量->分组较少->条目较多 | |
8 | data comparison | 簇状-柱状图(Column Chart) | 条目间比较->每个条目有一个变量->分组较少->条目较少 | |
1 | data structure | 饼形图(Pie Chart) | 构成无时期变化->简单占比构成 | |
2 | data structure | 瀑布图(Waterfall Chart) | 构成无时期变化->累积构成或落差构成 | |
3 | data structure | 百分比多层构成图(Components of Components) | 构成无时期变化->多层次子类的百分比构成 | |
4 | data structure | 堆栈百分比柱状图(Stacked 100% column chart) | 构成有时期变化->时期较少->仅关心成分之间的相对差异 | |
5 | data structure | 堆栈柱状图(Stacked Column Chart) | 构成有时期变化->时期较少->仅关心成分之间的绝对差异 | |
6 | data structure | 堆栈百分比面积图(Stacked 100% Area Chart) | Composition with periodic variations -> More periods -> Only interested in relative differences between components. | |
7 | data structure | 堆栈面积图(Stacked Area Chart) | Composition with periodic variations -> More periods -> Only interested in absolute differences between components. | |
1 | data distribution | 柱状直方图(Column Histogram) | Distribution of a single variable -> Few data points. | |
2 | data distribution | 线状直方图(Line Histogram) | Distribution of a single variable -> Numerous data points. | |
3 | data distribution | 散点图(Scatter Chart) | Distribution of two variables. | |
1 | data correlation | 3D面积图(3D Area Chart) | Distribution among three variables. | |
2 | data correlation | 散点图(Scatter Chart) | Relationship between two variables. | |
3 | data correlation | 泡泡图(Bubble chart) | Relationship between three variables. |
id | name_eng | icon | mark |
1 | line & Symbol | Displaying a trend, including one sequence object, with numerous data points. | |
1 | line & Symbol | Displaying a trend, including four sequence objects, with numerous data points. | |
2 | Bar | Displaying group differences, horizontal bar chart, including one sequence object, with a small number of data groups. | |
2 | Bar | Displaying group differences, vertical bar chart, including one sequence object, with a small number of data groups. | |
2 | Bar | Displaying group differences, vertical bar chart, including several sequence objects, with a small number of data groups. | |
3 | Spike | Displaying numerical magnitudes, including one sequence object, with a small number of data groups. | |
4 | Area | Displaying coverage area, including one sequence object, with numerous data points. | |
4 | Area | Displaying coverage area, including four sequence objects, with numerous data points. | |
5 | Area Band | Displaying area differences, including two sequence objects, with numerous data points. | |
6 | Mixed | Displaying diverse information, including multiple sequence objects, with numerous data points. | |
7 | Dot Plot | Displaying numerical magnitudes, including one sequence object, with numerous data points. | |
8 | Error Plot | Displaying numerical differences, including two sequence objects, with a small number of data points. | |
8 | Error Plot | Displaying numerical differences, including three sequence objects, with a small number of data points. | |
9 | High-Low | 表现数值位置关系,包含2个序列对象(最高价、最低价),数据点较少 | |
9 | High-Low | 表现数值位置关系,包含3个序列对象(开盘价、最高价、最低价),数据点较少 | |
10 | Scatter | 表现变量关系,包含2个序列对象,数据点较多 | |
10 | Scatter | 表现变量关系,包含多个序列对象,数据点较多 | |
11 | Bubble Plot | 表现变量关系,包含3个序列对象,数据点较多 | |
12 | XY Line | 表现数据变化路径,包含2个序列对象,数据点较多 | |
13 | XY Area | 表现2D覆盖面积,包含个序列对象,数据点较多 | |
14 | XY Bar | 表现分组差异,垂直条形,包含若干个序列对象,数据分组较少 | |
15 | Pie | 表现数据构成关系,包含1个序列对象,数据分组较少 | |
16 | Distribution | 表现数据分布密度,直方图,包含1个序列对象,数据点较多(自动分组) | |
17 | Quantile-Quantile | 表现数据分布密度,正态QQ图,包含1个序列对象,数据点较多 | |
18 | Boxplot | 表现数据分布形态,包含若干序列对象,数据点较多 | |
19 | Seasonal Graph | 表现数据循环关系,包含1个序列对象,数据点较多,分组较少(在同一月份不同年份上的变化) | |
19 | Seasonal Graph | 表现数据循环关系,包含1个序列对象,数据点较多,分组较少(在同一年份不同月份上的变化) |
action(action_opt) object_name.view_or_proc(options_list) arg_list
: show result
: run a program
: generate table or graph
: print the result
: options for action
: Object name of workfile
: View and Procedure Commands
, ser1.stats
, ..
, …
,ser1.vratio 2 4 8
, …
: View and procedure Commands Options
: arguments
such as: gdp c investment pce government
Essense of Regression:
Ordinary Least Squares (OLS): Minimizes the sum of squared residuals between observed values and the predicted values of a regression model to estimate population parameters.
Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE): Assumes that the observed data is generated from a probability distribution and estimates population parameters by maximizing the likelihood function of the observed data.
Bayesian Estimation: Incorporates prior knowledge and beliefs about the parameters by specifying prior distributions, and updates them using observed data to obtain the posterior distribution of the parameters.
Method of Moments (MOM): Matches the sample moments (such as means and variances) to their population counterparts to estimate population parameters.
The t-statistic is used to test the hypothesis that the coefficient is different from zero ( null hypo).
for a PRM:
Bigger t-statistic, higher the significance. lower p-val higher significance.
This used to test the overall significance of the model.
Bigger F-value , higher the significance. lower p-val higher significance.
Variable : Names of Var
C constant : intercept
Coefficient: Coefficients
Std. Error : of the coeff
t-Statistic :